Friday, February 5, 2010

Fan the Flame

II Tim. 1:6a, ".....I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God......"

My husband loves the warmth, the cozy crackle, and the woodsy smell of an old fashioned fire. It satisfies something deep in his being to watch it blaze up like a living thing, devouring wadded up newspaper, small sticks of kindling, and finally the fat, round logs on top. When the fire dies down until only its glowing embers are left, he delights in taking a long, black, iron poker and turning the logs over, stirring up the hot ashes beneath until the embers are coaxed into flames. The embers are there already, but it is the stirring up and the mixing with oxygen that causes them to blaze up again.

All too often I ask God to give me some things I already have, especially qualities like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. They are the fruit of the Spirit, God's gifts to those who belong to Him, and so they are already present in my life. But sometimes the flames of passion for God die down, and the qualities I need everyday seem lacking. However, I just need to allow the fresh air of God's Holy Spirit, through the reading of God's Word, prayer, and fellowship with other Christians, to stir up the embers that are there, and I can watch them blaze into warmth and light again.

Prayer: Father, stir up Your kindness and gentleness and patience and love so that others may warm themselves by the fire of Your Spirit through my life today. Amen.


  1. How marvelous that you are posting the wisdom of your accumulated years! :) Thank you!

  2. Was so delighted that Melissa Dees pointed me in your direction. Good to hear words from you as they are always uplifting. I'm working in the Youth department now. How about that?
