Friday, December 30, 2011


James 1:17a, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...."

My friend Mary is a gifted giver. She doesn't just give generously--she gives lavishly. Whereas others might give one or two gifts, Mary has a sack full of carefully chosen treasures for each of her recipients.

Mary's spirit of generosity reflects the way God gives to us. He doesn't just give generously--He gives lavishly. I John 3:1a says, "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us...." God's gifts are carefully chosen to fit our greatest needs. Think of the way He created the world. He knew we would need light, warmth, air, dry land on which to stand, vegetation and animals, and He created all these things before He made us. He gives us the day time to work and the night time to rest. He gives us the seasons, each with its special pleasures. He gives us family and friends with which to share our happiness and our sorrows. But the Greatest Giver gave us the Greatest Gift when He gave us Jesus. With Jesus, God gives us eternal life. Col. 2:9-10a Living Bible says, "For in Christ there is all of God in a human body; so you have everything when you have Christ, and you are filled with God through your union with Christ." This is the Gift we celebrate every Christmas Day--and everyday of each year.

Thank You, Father, that the real celebration of Christmas is not over when the tree comes down and the decorations are put away. May I celebrate the Gift of Your Son everyday of my life. Amen.

Life's Litlle Frustrations

It seems like Christmas is over so fast.

You plan and anticipate, and suddenly--it's past!

Monday, December 19, 2011

One of Life's Big Frustrations

One more week until Christmas, with too much emphasis on the mall.

The gifts we give each other should represent the greatest Gift of all.

Too many little ones have never heard,

and too many adults choose to ignore

The Gift of Love that was given to man so many Christmases before.


John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."

Imagine a love so great that Omnipresence, the Creator of all things and all men, would choose to confine Himself for nine months in the dark, crowded womb of a young Jewish girl. Imagine a love so great that Omnipotence would limit Himself to entering this world through a birth canal and come as a helpless baby that could neither walk nor talk. Imagine a love so great that Omniscience would choose to obey two human parents with all their faults and frailties. Imagine entering a sinful world with the sure knowledge that life here would end in a torturous, humiliating death on a cruel Roman cross. We could never ever have imagined a love so great, but Jesus modeled it for us.

Thank You, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Life's Little Frustrations

Have you ever had this happen? It has happened to me.

I struggled to put up and decorate the Christmas tree.

It finally looked beautiful, with ornaments galore,

But when I returned to look again, it was lying on the floor!


Ephesians 2:14a, "For he himself is our peace."

Every year the Himebook family comes sometime during the Christmas season to celebrate the birth of Christ with me. Each year our time together is structured a little differently, although there have evolved traditional aspects of the visit as well. For many years the whole family of six has come. The three boys are now grown and are working. One is married and living in another state. This year only Ruth, Terry, and their daughter Mary Love, my namesake, were available to make the trip. Some years I invite members of my family to join in the celebration, and we become a noisy, happy throng. This year, though, just the four of us had a quiet supper. Then we talked and visited long into the night, sharing more deeply than usual in the peace and serenity of my home. I have enjoyed all of our visits together--each one has been special--but this last one was one of the best visits ever.

My brother, Morgan, and his family used to come visit me and my family on Christmas Eve. I would cook and serve an elaborate dinner. Then one time Morgan told me he wanted to just spend time with me without my being distracted and busy with a major production. Suddenly I remembered two sisters named Mary and Martha.

When my grandchildren and great grandchildren come to visit, they don't need to be entertained elaborately. They just want to hang out with me. I think our Heavenly Father is pleased when we just want to hang out with Him and share our selves more deeply.

Father, in the hustle and bustle and fun of the Christmas season, may I find times of quiet, of serenity, to draw apart, hang out with You awhile, and share my heart more deeply with You. Thank You for sending us the Prince of Peace so we can have inner tranquility through all the events of our lives. Amen.