Monday, October 31, 2011


God has promised never to leave us and never to forsake us.

I tripped over an obstacle in my kitchen this past Monday, hit my head on a corner of the wall, and split my forehead open from my eye lid to my hair line. As I was recounting the details of the event, I could see how God had hand carried me through every aspect of this experience.

I was not alone. My son-in-law was painting in the kitchen, so he was there to call 911. Head wounds bleed profusely, and mine was no exception. The paramedics arrived at my house almost immediately and skillfully went to work to staunch the bleeding. My son was called and arrived from his office in time to follow the ambulance to the hospital and walk with me into the emergency room. His presence was a comfort, and he could give all the necessary information. The nurses and the ER doctor, a Dr. Christian whom I had never met before, were especially nice. My daughters and a granddaughter quickly gathered to lend support.

One of my daughters had become friends with a wonderful plastic surgeon, Dr. Ben Light, and he agreed to stitch me up. What an amazing job he did putting Humpty Dumpty back together again! God so graciously provided everything I needed.

I thought about the words from the song "Through It All" that tell us if we didn't have any problems, we wouldn't know God could solve them. Why do "bad" things happen to us? So we will learn to depend on God because we have no other choice, and so He can then reveal to us how trustworthy and faithful He is and how much He loves us.

My accident story reminds me that God wants to walk us through every event in our lives. Hopefully we will not wait until tough times come to trust Him and experience His love and faithfulness day by day.

Father, may I depend upon You not only day by day but moment by moment. Thank You that Your love and faithfulness and provision are always available and operative, whether we recognize it or not. Make me mindful and thankful for these things in good times as well as difficult ones. Amen.

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