Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fill My Cup

Galatians 5:22-23a, "But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control..."

I recently heard an old expression that was new to me, a saying that really captured my attention. It was, "Don't turn your cup over." If you don't want a waiter or waitress to pour coffee into the cup by your plate, you simply signal "no thanks" by turning the cup upside down.

When God wants to fill your cup with His presence, His guidance, His Spirit, have you ever turned your cup upside down to signal "no thanks" to Him?

How do we turn our cups over spiritually? One way is to ignore God, giving Him no place in our thoughts, our actions, our lives; by living as though He doesn't exist.

Another way we turn our cups over is by relying on ourselves, believing that we are self-sufficient. Remember the t.v. ad where a woman was cooking supper and her mother was trying to help her? The woman said, in an irritated tone of voice, "Please, Mother, I'd rather do it myself!" Have you ever said, "Please, God, I'd rather do it myself?"

Sometimes we turn our cups over by deliberately choosing to sin. We know better, but we do it anyway. We defy God right to His face. I can imagine God's look of disappointment and a great big leering grin on Satan's face when that happens.

Some people get mad at God, often because of a tragic event that happens to themselves or to someone they love. They decide to have nothing more to do with God. You can almost hear the loud "thump" as they turn their cups over. A friend of mine made a very profound statement when her husband died suddenly and unexpectedly, leaving her with two small children to raise. She said, "I can't afford to be mad at God. I need Him too much." We may not acknowledge it, but this is true for all of us. Those who choose to pout and sulk and turn their cups down miss out on all the love and comfort and other blessings that God wants to pour into their lives.

A song writer wanted God's presence and power and direction in his life so much that he wrote, "Fill my cup, Lord. I lift it up, Lord." Picture him energetically waving his cup in God's direction, signaling that he had a great need and desperately wanted God to fill it.

If you have turned your cup over, turn it right side up and lift it to be filled with God Himself and His love, peace, joy, and all the other gifts He has waiting for you. Only He can quench the thirsting of your soul.

Dear God, please fill my cup today and every day. I lift it up to you. Amen.

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