Sunday, September 28, 2014

Jesus Loves You and Me

"I praise you because I am wonderfully and fearfully made."  Psalm 139:14a

I went to a dog show in Ft. Payne, Alabama.  It wasn't a show for professional handlers, although one trainer and his dogs put on an impressive performance.  But I was more fascinated by the variety of dogs and the looks of pride and affection on the faces of the dogs' owners.  There were dachshunds, poodles, beagles, border collies, labs, and dogs of many other breeds as well as some dogs with a probable mixture of ancestors.  There were long haired dogs and short haired dogs of all sizes and ages, from puppies to old timers with gray hairs in their muzzles.  They came in different colors--black, brown, reddish, golden, white, and all sorts of mixed colors.  And I thought how we have a God of infinite variety.
One dog was carried in a sling, and another was rolled in a baby stroller.  Most were on leashes.  Regardless of their mode of transportation, the look on the owner's face told you that each dog was super special and very greatly loved.
Our God has also made people in different sizes, shapes, and colors.  He has made each one of us super special, and He looks at us with tremendous love and overwhelming affection.  I hope you will bask in how much He loves you and how special He thinks you are.

Father, it is so true, as the song says, that "Jesus loves me.  This I know.  For the Bible tells me so."  Thank You.  Thank You.  Thank You!  Amen.

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