Monday, May 13, 2013

Lessons from My Dogs

Ephesians 4:32,  "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."

I John 3:11,  "This is the message you have heard from the beginning: We should love one another."

       I have learned some important life lessons from my dogs.  Dogs are good examples of unconditional love.  They are always ready to show their love freely, lavishly.  They are quick to cuddle, to respond to our affection, and to listen to anything we want to tell them.  They gaze at us with adoration reflected in their liquid eyes.
       Dogs are intensely loyal.  They prefer their masters above all others.  They are exceedingly protective of those they love.
       Dogs are so forgiving.  They aren't inclined to pout, and they rarely hold grudges.
       Dogs' desires are simple.  They are appreciative of the smallest blessings of life--their dinner, a bowl of fresh water, a patch of sunshine to warm their bodies, a soft bed, a tummy rub, a word of approval.
       Like people, dogs are not perfect.  Like people, there are some who go bad, who turn rogue.  But many dogs make the world a happier place for others by their presence, their love, and their companionship.  These dogs set some good example that people might do well to emulate.

Father, may I love others unconditionally, and may I express that love freely and lavishly.  May I be loyal to You, preferring You above anyone and anything else.  May I also be loyal to my family members and friends.  May I forgive readily and not pout nor hold grudges.  May I be appreciative of the simple blessings of life and content with them.  May I make the world a happier place for others.  Amen.

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