Sunday, May 26, 2013

We Will Remember

Psalm 77:11-12, “I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.  I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds."

      Memorial Day, the last Monday in May, is a time when respect is paid to the more than one million men and women who have given their lives for our country.  It reminds us that America is the home of the free because of what the brave have done.
      May is also the month of Decoration Day when the graves of loved ones all over the country are adorned with flowers and other signs of remembrance.  This is a time for remembering not only our service men and women but other loved ones who have died as well.
      In one of the catalogs I have received, there is a plaque that says, “When a loved one becomes a memory, that memory becomes a treasure."  In many instances that is true, but in other situations the memory might be a burden because we have regrets concerning our relationship with that person.  Perhaps we were not as attentive as we wish we had been.  We may have spoken hurtful words in anger.  We could have been estranged from that person and never have sought a reconciliation.  If we have regrets concerning someone because of things we did, or failed to do, the memory of that relationship may be a burden rather than a blessing.
      We can never go back and change the past, of course, but we can apply what we have learned in the present so we do not repeat our past mistakes.  The lesson in this case is to live in such a way that we will have no regrets when anyone in our lives passes on.  It may cost us time, energy, forgiveness, and forbearance, but our memories will be sweet.  We will have the peace and satisfaction of knowing that we did the best we could in the relationships we had.
      In one sense, everyday should be a memorial day, a day in which we remember all that God, our Creator, and Christ, our Savior, have done for us.  We are free from the power and punishment of sin because of the cross.  And if we have regrets from the past, and we have missed our chance to ask certain people to forgive us, we can always find God's forgiveness.  He will cleanse our lives and wipe the slate clean, giving us a fresh, new start.  That is a promise we should never forget!

Father, may I live in such a way that I will have no regrets about any relationship in my life.  May I find forgiveness in You for all my failures and shortcomings.  Thank You for Your promise that, if we confess, You will forgive us and give us a brand new beginning.  Amen.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Packing for the Journey

Revelation 20:11a, "Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it." 
Revelation 21:1a, “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth." 
Revelation 21:22, “I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple."

        One night I dreamed I was about to take a trip to investigate a crime.  I needed to leave quickly and to travel as lightly as possible.  I decided to take only the barest of essentials--two pairs of underwear and a toothbrush.
        I woke up wondering what essentials I should pack for the journey we all must take into eternity.  "Wait a minute," you might say.  "You know you can't take anything with you."  I know we can't take any material possessions, but there are certain intangibles that we might want to carry along.  The most essential one is our faith in Jesus Christ, because that will determine our destination. I want to take memories of people I have loved so much on earth, people who have preceded me to heaven, so I can anticipate our reunion when I arrive. 
I want to take my knowledge of Scripture so I will recognize and appreciate such people as Peter, Paul, and most of all, Jesus, when I see them.  I want my questions to go along so I can say, “Aha--so that's why that happened!" when I have new understanding and insight. 
I want to fill my suitcase with worship and praise and awe for the time I see Eternal, Almighty God high and lifted up on His throne in heaven.
And I want to take lots and lots of gratitude for God's goodness and mercy and loving kindness and for Jesus' death on the cross for me.  I want to take love and thankfulness to pour out in abundance to my Savior and my Heavenly Father.
        I want to travel lightly, so I keep emptying my suitcase of all the anger, bitterness, selfishness, hatred and all the other sinful attitudes I pick up during my sojourn on earth.  And I might need to leave quickly, so I want to stay packed up and ready to go at any time.

Father, please keep emptying the suitcase in my life of all unworthy and undesirable attitudes and sinful actions.  Instead, fill it with awe and gratitude and praise for You and for my Savior and with love and care for the people in my path.  May I be ready at all times to begin my journey into eternity.  Amen.   

Monday, May 13, 2013

Lessons from My Dogs

Ephesians 4:32,  "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."

I John 3:11,  "This is the message you have heard from the beginning: We should love one another."

       I have learned some important life lessons from my dogs.  Dogs are good examples of unconditional love.  They are always ready to show their love freely, lavishly.  They are quick to cuddle, to respond to our affection, and to listen to anything we want to tell them.  They gaze at us with adoration reflected in their liquid eyes.
       Dogs are intensely loyal.  They prefer their masters above all others.  They are exceedingly protective of those they love.
       Dogs are so forgiving.  They aren't inclined to pout, and they rarely hold grudges.
       Dogs' desires are simple.  They are appreciative of the smallest blessings of life--their dinner, a bowl of fresh water, a patch of sunshine to warm their bodies, a soft bed, a tummy rub, a word of approval.
       Like people, dogs are not perfect.  Like people, there are some who go bad, who turn rogue.  But many dogs make the world a happier place for others by their presence, their love, and their companionship.  These dogs set some good example that people might do well to emulate.

Father, may I love others unconditionally, and may I express that love freely and lavishly.  May I be loyal to You, preferring You above anyone and anything else.  May I also be loyal to my family members and friends.  May I forgive readily and not pout nor hold grudges.  May I be appreciative of the simple blessings of life and content with them.  May I make the world a happier place for others.  Amen.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunshine Inside

"God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man that he should change his mind.  Does he speak and then not act?  Does he promise and not fulfill?"  These are rhetorical questions whose answer is "no."

There was an interesting tidbit of news in "The Decatur Daily" this week.  The principal of a private high school gave his students the day off just to enjoy some beautiful, sunshiny spring weather.  This caused me to think how happy, how upbeat the sunshine and warm weather make us feel.  In contrast, the cold, dreary days of winter lend themselves to gloomy, depressing thoughts.
There are many difficult events that occur in our lives.  There are winter kinds of days when we receive no encouragement from outside sources, no serendipitous surprises to lighten our loads.  This is when we must encourage ourselves, must determine to have a positive attitude and outlook if we are to have an upbeat day.
We can encourage ourselves in a variety of ways.  At the top of the list should be reading and claiming some of God's many promises in the Bible.  We can pour out our thoughts in prayer.  We can concentrate on God's goodness and bask in his love.  We can also take time to do something we especially enjoy, to give ourselves a serendipity, or give someone else a happy surprise.  Even though there might be cloudy days on the outside, we can choose to have sunshiny days on the inside.

Father, may I choose each day to be grateful for the good, to trust you through the difficulties, to rely on Your promises, and to enjoy Your gifts and share them with others.  Amen.