Monday, May 31, 2010

God, the Creator

Psalm. 19:1, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."

If we look at cultures down through the centuries, we can see that man has always felt a need for someone wiser and more powerful than himself to worship. If I begin to wonder if we have come up with the idea of God as a figment of our imagination in order to fill our need for someone to worship, I go right back to creation.

Order does not come from chaos. If I were to throw a million letters of the alphabet on a huge table, what are the chances that they would form themselves into a dictionary or an encyclopedia or the Great American Novel? Behind every design there is a designer. In creation it is plain to see that God is very real, all wise, all powerful, separate from His creation, and truly the Creator of everything.

Think about just how incredible God's creation is. There are approximately 400 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy alone. Astronomers estimate that there are more than 100 billion galaxies. And each galaxy probably has more than 100 billion stars! And each of these stars was personally hung in space by the Creator Who not only knows exactly how many stars there are in space, but He knows each one of them by name! Is there anything in your life that seems too big for God to handle?

God also created in minute detail. He made 75,000 miles of blood vessels in each human body to carry blood to over sixty trillion cells. John Phillips tells us that "A mere piece of skin the size of a postage stamp requires three million cells, a yard of blood vessels, four yards of nerves, one hundred sweat glands, fifteen oil glands, and twenty-five nerve endings." A drop of ditch water can hold 500 million microscopic creatures so tiny that a teaspoonful of water would be to them what the Atlantic Ocean is to us. Is there anything in your life that you think is so small and insignificant that God might overlook it?

Our God, Father, Creator: How truly great You are!!! Amen.

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