Sunday, December 13, 2015

God's Everything

The Reverend Ron Dunn used to say,  "Jesus is God's everything!"  The earmarks of our Christmas celebration highlight some of the major needs of man, and they are fulfilled in Jesus.
We string lights on our Christmas trees and our houses in an effort to counter the darkness of a sinful, painful world and the starkness of our everyday existence.  Jesus is the Light of this dark, evil world, and He brings goodness, brightness, and cheerfulness to our day-to-day lives.  Just as we use bright colors in ribbon, wrapping paper, and decorations, Jesus colors our lives with hope, peace, and joy.
Think of the wonderful, familiar music of Christmas.  Jesus brings music to the souls of those who walk closely with Him.
We give gifts in an effort to express recognition, appreciation, and love in a tangible way.  God has given us the greatest Gift ever given to show us how high and deep and wide His love is for us.  At Christmas we give generously to those who are less fortunate materially, and God gives to us, not only generously, but lavishly.  In fact, all good gifts ultimately come from God.
During the holidays we gather with family and friends with a desire to be loved.  Just as we are born into a physical family when we are babies, when we become Christians, God places us into His forever family with many brothers and sisters.  The fatherhood of God presupposes the brotherhood of man.  And Jesus is our Best Friend who sticks with us through all the parts of life.
When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the supernatural, the miraculous entered this natural world.  When we light the Christ candle on the Advent Wreath, or as we ponder how we have celebrated the coming of Christ into the world, let us remember always that He is our Light, our Hope, our Peace, our Joy, our Love, our Gift, our Best Friend, and our Miracle--our Everything.

Father, thank You for the gift of Jesus and everything You have given us with Him.  Amen.

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