Friday, January 9, 2015

The Cycle

"When Israel became strong, they pressed the Canaanites into forced labor but never drove them out completely."  Judges 1:28

Reading the book of Judges makes me think of a roller coaster because the Israelites had so many ups and downs during that era.  God had given them the land of Canaan and had apparently told them to drive the Canaanites out of the land.  The Israelites defeated many of the Canaanites but not all of them, and God warned His people that the Canaanite's gods would become snares to them.

The Israelites served God as they had promised through the lifetimes of Joshua and those who had led the people under him.  But after their deaths a cycle began.  They forsook God and worshiped the gods of the Canaanites.  Then God allowed their enemies to overtake them and plunder them.  In their distress they cried out to God for help.  God would send a judge to rescue them, and they would serve God during the lifetime of that judge.  But when that judge died, they would fall into idol worship again.  This happened over and over and over. 

Sometimes we can be like those Israelites.  We can go our own way and do our own thing, ignoring God and chasing after worldly gods like power, wealth, and fame.  Then we get into trouble, and in our distress or desperation we cry out to God for help.  We may make some promises to God of what we will or will not do if God will just rescue us.  When He hears our cries and saves us, how do we react?  With gratitude or indifference?  Do we keep any promises we have made, and/or follow God and His will, or do we turn our backs on God again?  Is there an up and down cycle of obedience and disobedience in our lives?  Hopefully we will learn from the lives of the Israelites in Judges to always follow and worship God and Him alone.

Father, thank You so much that You hear and answer our prayers.  Thank You for the many times You have rescued us when we have cried out in helplessness to You.  May we follow You and Your plans for our lives, walking in obedience to You and worshiping You and You only.  Amen.

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