Sunday, August 17, 2014

God Gave the Ten Commandments

The Israelites had been in the wilderness for three months when God led them to Mt. Sinai.  God told Moses to instruct the people to consecrate themselves for two days in preparation to hear Him speak.  This emphasized the importance of what was about to take place.  The people were also told not to come too close to the mountain lest they die.  God is a holy God, and the proper way to approach Him is with reverence and awe.  Too often people are flippant and irreverent about God.  In an attempt to make God seem more relevant, we have called Him "the Man Upstairs" and other such frivolous names, and today many people use His name as an exclamation when something unusual happens.  Charles Swindoll wrote,  "The heaviest obligation upon the Christian church is to purify and elevate her concept of God until it is once more worthy of Him."
Notice: God gave the Israelites the Ten Commandments, not the Ten Suggestions.  These instructions are absolutes.  They are not conditional.
The giving of the Ten Commandments served several valuable purposes.  It affirmed Moses' leadership to the people.  It revealed God's power and holiness.  It gave regulations about interpersonal relationships.  Obedience to these laws helps maintain the stability of community life.  F. B. Huey, Jr. wrote,  "Because they [the laws] deal with the most basic moral principles that govern human relationships, they are universal in scope and applicable to all peoples of all ages and of whatever cultural background.  No individual or society is better off by ignoring them."  They have been guidelines for good behavior and individual well-being throughout the ages.  They spell out  behavior and attitudes that are sinful.  They show us what God expects of us.
In a discussion of spiritual matters, have you ever heard anyone tell you that they "just try to keep the Ten Commandments," implying that this is sufficient for salvation?  The most important reason for the Ten Commandments is to show us that nobody can keep them.  The Bible tells us that we are all sinners and there is no one who is righteous.  Our breaches of the commandments  show us just how true this is and how much we need a Savior.  They lead us to Jesus.

Father, we have all sinned by doing things You have told us not to do.  Thank You for sending Jesus so we could be forgiven and become Your children forever.  Amen.

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