Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Call of Abram

Genesis 12:1,  "The Lord had said to Abram, "Go from your country, your people and your father's household to the land I will show you."

    Anne Graham Lotz wrote,  "Almost from the moment that God let the world go at the Tower of Babel, He began unfolding His plan to reconcile it to Himself.  He did this by reaching down into the world of humanity that was in rebellion against Him.....down into one nation, one tribe, one family from which He chose one man through whom He would begin making preparations for sending the Redeemer."
    Why Abram?  Why did God choose him rather than someone else?  What was so special about this man?  As we study his life, we see that Abram TRUSTED and OBEYED God.  No doubt God knew Abram's heart and knew that when He called Abram, Abram would respond.  Also, it may have been that Abram was searching for the true God amidst the idols that were worshiped in his home town of Ur.  God gives mankind this wonderful promise in Jeremiah 29:13,  "You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart."
    God's call came to Abram when he was 75 years old.  Some people might think that a person that age is too old for God to use, but He can use us at any age.  I love what Charles Swindoll wrote, "If you can get up in the morning and breathe on a mirror and cause it to fog over, God still has a purpose for your life!"
    Abram was a city dweller. During his lifetime Ur was considered the most magnificent city in the world except for Babylon.  Ur was a bustling, sophisticated city with several universities, well stocked libraries, and advanced workmanship in silver and gold.  God called Abram to leave his home, his family, and his friends and strike out for an unknown destination, riding swaying, smelly camels; living in sweltering hot tents; and moving  from place to place.  Think how hard that must have been!  But Abram BELIEVED and OBEYED God.
    When Abram set out, others came along.  He was accompanied by his wife Sarai, his father Terah, and his nephew Lot.  Once we step out to follow God, we may well influence others to do likewise.
    Hopefully we will answer God's call on our lives with the same kind of faith and obedience that we find in Abram's life.  Are you obeying everything He has asked you to do?

Father, may I keep my obedience up to date, answering every time You call me with "Yes" and then doing what You have asked me to do.  Amen.  

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