Sunday, September 15, 2013

Consequences of Our Behavior

Galatians 6:7b,  "A man reaps what he sows."

Luke 6:31,  "Do to others as you would have them do to you."

        I have a brown Chihuahua named Honey.  She is tiny, with huge eyes and great big ears--cute as a bug but mean as a snake!  What she lacks in size, she attempts to make up in ferocity.  Not only does she bark incessantly at people she perceives as intruders, but also she is quick to bare her teeth and snarl and bite.  When we have company, my only recourse is to shut her up in a room by herself.  Because of her unfriendly behavior, she misses much companionship that she could have enjoyed.
        On the other hand, I have a very affectionate Pomeranian named Missy.  She gives a few warning barks when someone she doesn't know comes over, but very shortly she hushes and sidles up to any visitor, wanting to be petted.  Because of her sweet nature, she is allowed to enjoy lots of attention and companionship that Honey misses.
        If we want to have friends, we need to be friendly.  If we want to be loved, that is much more likely to happen if we reach out in love to others.  People respond positively or negatively to the kind of disposition we present to them.  How do you want to be treated?  How are you treating others?  Could your demeanor, your words and your actions, possibly be causing you to miss some companionship or opportunities you would have otherwise enjoyed?

Father, help me to remember that, if I want friends, I must be friendly.  If I want to be loved, I need to love others.  May I treat others the way I would like to be treated.  You have so many wonderful experiences and relationships for each of us in life.  I don't want to miss a one because of my bad attitude.  May I always walk in the power of Your Spirit of love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, goodness. and self-control.  Amen.

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