Thursday, October 4, 2012

From Creation to Creator

Psalm 74:16-17,  "Both day and night belong to you. You made the starlight and the sun.  You set the boundaries of the earth, and you make both summer and winter."

      I can hardly stay inside during the crisp, sunshiny autumn days when the leaves blaze forth in apple red, yellow as gold, and brilliant orange.  One of my friends has just returned from a trip through the Rocky Mountains, and she is still misty eyed as she replays in her mind all the majestic beauty which passed before her in scene after scene. 
When our children were young, my husband and I often took them for Sunday afternoon hikes through the woods, over a soft carpet of pine needles, by gurgling streams, across green meadows, and over all kinds of rock formations.
      In our modern world we are all too often surrounded by bricks, wood, and metal and by concrete and asphalt.  Once we are surrounded by the beauty and wonder of nature, it becomes so obvious that it is God's creation.  His wisdom and power and goodness are stamped all over it. 
We have an enemy who would like for us to doubt the existence of God, but if he ever tries to throw those darts of doubt in my direction, my mind goes immediately to creation and from there to Creator.
      One of my most vivid memories is hiking a short distance into the Grand Canyon before sunrise with my family and watching the sun come up across the multicolored rock formations.  We affirmed our faith in our Creator by reading these wonderful words from Psalm 19:1-4a,  "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.  Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.  There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.  Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world."

Thank You, Father, for leaving a witness to Yourself in creation where all can see and know that You are, indeed, God.  Amen.

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