Monday, February 27, 2012


Psalm 34:8a exhorts us to "Taste and see that the Lord is good."

Psalm 66:5 invites us to "Come and see what God has done, how awesome his works in man's behalf."

John in I John 1:3a tells us that he will be writing about "what we have seen and heard" and will proclaim that.

II Tim. 2:2 Paul told Timothy, "And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others."

Evangelism can be well summed up in six words. Come and see. Go and tell.

Before I started taking chemotherapy I had a port inserted so the chemicals could go through it. I still have the port and will keep it awhile longer until I am reasonably certain I won't need it anymore.

Ports have to be flushed periodically in order not to clot so they will remain useable. I went this week to have my port flushed and met a friend of mine from Decatur who was there having the same procedure done. She told me how much she dreaded it and how painful it was for her. I asked her if she used lidocaine to deaden the area around the port. I apply it an hour ahead of time, and I only feel slight pressure when they access my port, not pain. She said nobody had ever told her about lidocaine. but as I left the cancer center she was on the way to find her doctor, get a prescription for lidocaine, and get the cream from the pharmacy. She was delighted to know of something that would help her, and I was delighted to tell her about something that would make her life more pleasant.

Evangelism is just telling someone else about the Savior who has helped us so much. What a privilege we have--not even the angels are given this opportunity. What a wonderful feeling to tell others about Someone who can make such a difference in their lives, both now and for eternity!

Father, we don't hesitate to talk about sales or helpful products or other things that might help people. May we realize that they need Jesus above all else and make telling about Him the highest priority. Amen.

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