Monday, July 12, 2010


Two weeks ago my son-in-law, Mat, was throwing a football to his son, Luke. When Luke missed a pass, Mat gave him a pep talk about catching the ball at all costs, even if he had to break a leg to do it. Luke got fired up to catch the next pass and said, "O.K., Dad, throw me a low one." Mat replied, "I can't do that. You might get grass stains on your shorts." Naturally I had to say, "Oh, it's all right for him to break a leg, but he mustn't get grass stains on his shorts." Mat chuckled and said, "I believe that's your next devotional."

One man imagined that someone would go into a store at night and switch around all the price tags, so a boat might cost $5.00 and a hammer might be $200.00. The values of everything would be changed. That's pretty much what has happened in our society. The values of many commodities have shifted during the years. At one time we valued the things God values--God Himself above all else, kindness, love, peace, integrity, church, family--you get the idea. Today all too many people value the things the world values instead--money, power, fame, beauty, etc. Heb. 11:26 says of Moses, "He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward." Our eternal treasures are stored in heaven in safe keeping for us.

Wonder who switched the price tags in our society? Can we teach our children and grandchildren to value the true treasures of God more than the superficial things the world has to offer?

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