Monday, June 7, 2010

Follow Me

Jesus told Peter and Andrew, "Follow me." Matt. 4:19

On Memorial Day week-end son-in-law Mat rented a house at Smith Lake and asked me to join the crowd after church on Sunday. Mat and I met at church, and afterward I followed him in my car through several twists and turns to the rented house.

I had very little idea of where we were going, but that didn't matter, because Mat knew exactly where we were headed, and I was following him. Not only did I keep his truck in sight, but he watched my car in his rear view mirror. I was confident that, if for any reason I lost sight of him, he would stop and wait for me or come back and find me. He probably would have driven faster if he had been alone, but he was careful not to drive any faster than was safe for me to drive.

You have probably already made the analogies, which are pretty obvious, but allow me to spell them out anyway. None of us knows what the future holds for us or which paths we should take, but God knows, and we just need to follow Him. If for any reason we lose sight of Him, we can be certain He always knows where we are, and He will find us and restore our view of Him. And He could do anything He wants to do alone, but He limits Himself and His actions in our world to our limitations. He stretches us but never too much.

Thank You, Father, that you never lose sight of me. You never push me too hard or too fast. Thank You that You know the way, or the ways, that I should go, and if I follow You I will stay on track and arrive at the right destination. Amen.

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