Saturday, March 23, 2013

Dual Citizenship

John 1:1, 14a,  "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.....The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us......"

      A friend of mine sent me a video of a song entitled "On My Mother/Father's Side."  This song highlighted the Incarnation, the melding of humanity and divinity in Jesus.  There were pictures in the video depicting Jesus in the temple when he was twelve talking with the religious leaders in Jerusalem.  In the song, Jesus was asked, "What is your name, son?" And He replied,  "On my mother's side, my name is Jesus.  But on my Father's side they call me Emmanuel."  Next, He was asked,  "How old are you?"  He answered,  "On my mother's side, now I'm twelve years, but on my Father's side I've just always been." 
The next question was,  "Where are you from?"  His answer was,  "On my mother's side I'm from Bethlehem, but on my Father's side it's New Jerusalem."  The final question was,  "What are your plans?"  He replied,  "On my mother's side I'll be crucified, but on my Father's side in three days I will arise and will sit at my Father's side." 
Jesus truly had dual citizenship.
      Actually, we also have dual citizenship, although we are probably not as aware of that fact as Jesus was.  He had lived in heaven from eternity past until he began his thirty-three year sojourn on earth, and I think He must have often been homesick for heaven.  He frequently drew aside to talk things over with His Heavenly Father.  Some of us may be more like a friend of my husband's who said one day,  "I know heaven is my home, but I'm just not homesick yet."
      Some people have been described as being "so heavenly minded they are no earthly good,” but I would much prefer that to being "so earthly minded they are no heavenly good."
      If there were a song about our dual citizenship, it might go like
this:  "What is your name?"  "On my parents' side, it's Mary Love, but on my Father's side it's Christian."  "How old are you?"  "Well, mature women don't tell their age on their parents’ side, but on my Father's side I am eternal."  "Where are you from?"  "On my parents side I am from Scottsboro, but on my Father's side, I am His creation."  "What are your plans?"  "On my parents' side, it's to be a good mother, but on my Father's side it's to please and glorify Him."  I want to always be aware of my dual citizenship, of the fact that I am on my way to heaven, and that will be my eternal home.

Father, thank You that, while I am walking around on this old earth, I am also seated in the heavenlies in Christ.  May I always be aware that this is a temporary dwelling and that I will spend eternity with You.  May I live accordingly.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Here is a link to the video:
