Monday, August 20, 2012

The Olympics

I Corinthians 9:25,  "Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training.  They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever."

      A number of us have had withdrawal symptoms this week since the
2012 summer Olympics has ended.  Many of us were glued to our television sets every night from seven to eleven for two weeks.  We watched a number of athletes win medals and gain fame.  But what lasting impact have the Olympic games made in the lives of both participants and viewers?  Have we learned any life lessons from watching?  Let me suggest a few thoughts.
      First, although many individuals have won medals, awards were also given for a number of team sports such as basketball, volleyball, and relay races.  The incredible cooperation between team members has reminded me of the importance and effectiveness of teamwork in life.
      Second, it is so obvious that an enormous number of hours and incredible physical effort were put forth by the participants as they trained for their events.  This challenges me to renew and increase my own training in the Scriptures and prayer and obedience in order to more effectively live the Christian life.  The athletes work for temporary rewards, but ours will be eternal.
      Third, the athletes performed in the areas where they were most gifted because they were most effective in these areas.  We, too, have gifts.  Each one of us is given at least one spiritual gift when we become Christians, and we are most effective in the body of Christ when we operate in the areas of our giftedness.
      Fourth, no athlete could win a race without crossing the finish line.  This challenges us to persevere, to keep on keeping on and pushing to do our best as long as God leaves us on earth, to run our race and finish well.
      Training, dedication, commitment, hard work, perseverance, teamwork, and developing the gifts that God has given us--we can apply these lessons from the Olympics in our Christian walk.

Father, thank You that You give us many lessons in life to teach us how to better live for You.  Amen.

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