Monday, February 13, 2012


Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus told His disciples, and He tells us, "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."

We are told to make disciples. Just what is a disciple? One dictionary defines it as "a pupil or an adherent of another; follower." A disciple is a learner. We are to teach others what we have learned about the Christian life. Paul told his protege Timothy, II Timothy 2:2, "And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others." In other words, as the song title says, we are to "Pass It On." Cru, formerly Campus Crusade, has a motto that says we are to win, build, and send. We are instructed to win people to Christ--that's evangelism--build them up in the faith--that's discipleship--and send them out to win others to Christ--evangelism again. So one objective in making disciples is to teach and inspire them to win others to Christ, to reproduce.

Another objective to discipling others is to help them live the Christian life, to make it well through this old world to the next. I like the book of Genesis because we can see qualities like faith and integrity lived out in real lives, in Abraham and Joseph. We are to make disciples not only by our words but also by our example, showing others what a true disciple of Jesus Christ should be like.

My mother grew up in an era when it wasn't considered socially correct for lay people to talk about their Christian beliefs outside the church. But she loved her grandchildren and was so concerned that they know God that she took a little tract one day and led one of them to Christ. This little child is now an adult, married and with children of her own. She has instigated Bible studies for young mothers in her town, taught children in her church, started a Sunday School class for young couples, and has recently taken on the job of children's minister at her church. This little girl Mother led to Christ and helped disciple as she was growing up has become a discipler herself. That's what discipleship is all about.

Father, so many people have helped to disciple me, and I thank You for each one of them and all they have added to my life. May I pass on the things I have been taught about the Christian life, both by my words and my example. Amen.

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