"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities." Romans 13:1a
This is not one of my favorite verses in the Bible. Submission to authority goes against the grain of our humanity. We want to be in charge. And, besides, I really don't approve of all those who are in authority nor agree with how they handle the power and responsibilities they have been given. I think the government wastes a lot of our tax money. It makes some poor laws. Many government officials have some glaring character flaws. It is much easier, and, in a way, more satisfying to our human nature to bash the government and all others in authority.
However, God tells us to be subject to the governing authorities. If I am unwilling to do that--to obey the laws, pay my taxes, and respect and honor those in office no matter how much I may disagree with them personally--I will be disobeying God's command, and disobedience is always a sin.
If I approach this verse positively instead of negatively, I can see some very good reasons to have people in positions of authority and responsibility. I need to remember that none of them are perfect because all people are flawed, and I need to cut them some slack rather than being super critical. I should not expect them to be perfect. Instead, I should be very grateful for the work they do and the services they provide for all the citizens. Very importantly, we have military and police protection. We have peace in our nation. Imagine the chaos that would ensue if we had no government. We also have such benefits as highways and a postal system.
Is there anything we can do to enhance our government and our other officials? There certainly is. First of all, we are instructed to pray for those in authority. We can respect these people and cooperate with them, perhaps even helping them do their job. As we spread the good news and more people become Christians, that should make a difference. A good Christian should be a good citizen, with gratitude for all the things governing people do for us and for the privilege of living in peace in the greatest country in the world.